Create Transit Gateway Route Tables

Create Transit Gateway Route Tables

In this section, you will create a Route Table for the Transit Gateway so that the Transit Gateway knows which VPC attachments are available to send and receive traffic delivered through the Transit Gateway.

  1. Open VPC Management Console

Transit Gateway Attachments

  1. Select Transit Gateway Route Tables in the left sidebar, and select Create Transit Gateway Route Table.

Transit Gateway Attachments

  1. Enter Name tag (eg:lab20-TGW-RT), select the transit gateway you created, and select Create Transit Gateway Route Table.

Transit Gateway Attachments

  1. Create Transit Gateway Route Tables successfully.

Transit Gateway Attachments

  1. After the Route table becomes available, tick the route table we just created, select the Associations tab, and click Create association.

Transit Gateway Attachments

  1. Attach each VPC in turn. The association process tells the Transit Gateway which VPC’s route table should send data packets to the Transit Gateway.

Transit Gateway Attachments

  1. Attach VPC successfully.

Transit Gateway Attachments

  1. Finish attaching all 4 VPC.

Transit Gateway Attachments

  1. Then switch to the Propagations tab, and click Create propagation.

Transit Gateway Attachments

  1. Select Create propagation.

Transit Gateway Attachments

  1. Create propagation was successful.

Transit Gateway Attachments

  1. Attach each VPC in turn. propagation tells Transit Gateway which VPC’s route table should receive data packets from Transit Gateway.

Transit Gateway Attachments